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This program provides space for children to learn and play, so they can grow and develop to their fullest potentials. This program covers physical development in terms of renovation in kindergartens that are located in remote areas of Central Java. Activities under Space to Build are :

  1. School package – 37 schools had completed their renovations and 1 schools are on-going (since 2012 to date)
  2. Community package and facilities (i.e. library, children playground, teaching equipment, sports facility, etc)
  3. Individual package for children (i.e. Children books, etc)


Geographic Focus
School Name : 2012 Kartini, Ngemplak, Mranggen, Demak See School Location

Ngemplak Village, Mranggen Sub Distirict, Demak Regency

: June 28, 2012 (MoU)
: November 23, 2012
Funded by
Credit Suisse, Helman & Ria Sitohang, ars86care foundation Kids’ Bestfriends