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23 Nov 20

Hello to The Two New Schools Partner in Kemusu District, Boyolali Municipality


Entering the 2020-2021 academic year, children around Indonesia are facing one of the most challenging times they ever had to endure. Learning from home has been a part of these children’s daily routine since March of 2020. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Education, 94% percent of children populate in the yellow, orange, and red zone of the pandemic, with a total of 429 municipalities/cities. Still, since many adjustments had to be made responding to the situation, learning from home is one of the better options that can be applied recently. 


Thus, this condition does not change the foundation’s priority on keeping the school project carry out, since access to proper education facilities had to be provided. School buildings that equipped with child-friendly features, as well as capacity building for teachers who are under the partnership of ars86care foundation become, are our main program for the long run.


In the second semester of 2020, the foundation’s geography focus is still in Boyolali Municipality where we have managed to build six kindergarten schools in the area. This semester, we are partnering with two schools and these schools become our school partners along with 31 schools and 92 teachers from Demak, Grobogan, Gunung Kidul, and Boyolali municipalities. We encourage teachers from school partners in each area to build a healthy communication platform, that they can share and support one another.


Although these years are not an ideal year to cope with many things, we are very grateful for the immense support we have received from our donors in supporting the program. Therefore we are welcoming Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten and Dharma Wanita Kedungmulyo Kindergarten in Kemusu District, Boyolali Municipality to become our 32nd and 33rd school partners. The construction process has started on the 9th of September 2020 and planned to reach its completion in mid-January 2021. The start of this construction symbolized by an MOU signing in Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten as well as Dharma Wanita Kedungmulyo Kindergarten between ars86care foundation and the Village Authorities on 14th of August 2020. The small ceremony was conducted with the Covid-19 protocols in place and attended by ars86care foundation Chairman, Riyadi D. Ekariyanto accompanying the Head Village and its authorities and school teachers. 


We would like to express our gratitude to the respectful donors, Credit Suisse, Mr. Helman Sitohang Prime Natuna Inc, Symphasis Foundation Switzerland, and PT. USG Boral Plasterboard (Jayaboard) for their support on Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten and Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten projects. These two schools marked the 7th and 8th school in Boyolali Municipality. The schools will benefit children for many generations to come, as well as establish a safe space for children to learn and play within the radius of each village. 


Acknowledgment addresses to all parties, for the trust given to us in helping and provide proper access to a child-friendly school for Indonesian children. Given the pandemic condition, we hope this act will motivate children as well as teachers in the area to keep growing and learning under the ars86care foundation partnership.

23 Nov 2020